Legal information

Information according to § 5 TMG

Röntgenstrasse 88
D-64291 Darmstadt
Facsimile: +49 6151 39 618 25

Authorized Representative of the Company:

Thomas Hack

Registration court / Company registration no.:

Amtsgericht Darmstadt HRB 97376

Sales tax identification number pursuant to § 27a of the German Sales Tax Act:

DE 315794985

Responsible for the content pursuant to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Thomas Hack

Out-of-court dispute resolution

The EU platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution can be found here: The operator is neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board. The offer is exclusively for entrepreneurs.

Legal Notes

We wish to thank you for your interest in our website. The contents of this site were carefully comprised as to provide you with the highest quality of information. That said, we cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, and actuality of the contents. Please refer to the following legal notes.


INFINIDENT Solutions GmbH is not liable for, nor can guarantee the completeness, accuracy, and actuality of the contents and software provided in this website. Please take note that the information provided in this website is subject to technical changes. A consistency and uniformity of colors shown on this site is not possible with EDP systems. This is why colors on the computer screen or in printouts may vary.


The above-mentioned exclusion of liability also applies to the contents of other websites made reference to via hyperlinks. INFINIDENT Solutions GmbH is not responsible for the contents of such websites reached via this technology and distances itself from all, not legally approved material seen on these sites. INFINIDENT Solutions GmbH initially checks the contents of other websites for their danger of creating civil or criminal consequences. That said, INFINIDENT Solutions is not required to continually monitor the changing contents of the links provided on this website and cannot be held accountable for any new claims of responsibility.


The copying or sharing of information, data, texts, images, and graphics, or parts of these for business purposes, or for use on other websites requires the prior agreement of INFINIDENT Solutions GmbH. All persons and situations were re-enacted by actors. On our website, registered brands, trade names, registered designs, and logos have been used. Even in particular cases, when they appear without their trademark, the corresponding legal regulations apply.

Questions, Suggestions, Comments

Please send your questions, suggestions, or comments to: We will contact you as soon as possible.

The imprint also applies to the following Social Media profiles:
